Education is the Key to break the vicious cycle of poverty.
Education changes lives
We work on creating educational opportunities in the rural communities of Tanzania by building viable schools and employing qualified teachers in order to fulfill the educational gap created by the lack of past educational infrastructure. By generating collective incentives for families we convince them to send their children to school instead of having them work in the fields and thus start to fulfill the educational gap that is prevalent in their communities.
A viable school can improve every aspect of a community’s health and well-being. The school functions as a symbol of personal growth and develops the personality and authenticity of every child attending. In school children learn to set goals and solve problems so they can help their parents run more successful rural businesses and manage their farms and livestock better. Once the educated children are raised they can enter urban cities and use their acquired skills to work in the tourism sector and bring commercial opportunities back to their communities.
Education in Africa
Africa has the highest rates of educational exclusion in the world.
Over one-fifth of children between the ages of 6 and 11 and one-third between the ages of 12 and 14 are out of school.​
Girls are much more likely to stay out of school than boys. Nine million girls between the ages of about 6 and 11 in Africa will never go to school at all, compared to six million boys.
UNESCO stated in 2012 that the number of primary-aged children not attending school in Africa accounted for more than half of the global total of children.
In sub-Saharan Africa, only about 25% of pre-primary teachers and 50% of upper secondary school teachers have been trained.
The rate of gross enrollment in tertiary education in sub-Saharan Africa is the lowest in the world, sitting at only 8% as of 2014. This is far lower than the gross enrollment of the second lowest country, Southern Asia, which is at 23%, where the global average is 34%.
If every girl in sub-Saharan Africa completed even just a primary education, the maternal mortality rate would likely decrease by 70 percent.