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Small actions by many people creates incredible change.

Rhea Foundation Board


Corporate sponsors & Fundraising events

We collaborate closely with Companies and individuals to develop mutually-beneficial fundraising campaigns, co-branded merchandise, media, and fundraising experiences that help us complete our humanitarian projects and create sustainable impact on communities living in poverty. We arm our partners with customizable creative assets and supplement their marketing campaigns to highlight issues of corporate social responsibility and align their story with ours with the aim of bringing education, clean water and electricity to people in need.

Getting your brand or Company involved

Our most successful partnerships focus on mutually-beneficial strategies that raise mass awareness on issues of corporate social responsibility. Below are a handful of ways your Company can partner with us:



Contribute to the construction of schools, access to education, solar power and the creation of clean water projects through:

  • Corporate gifts

  • Percentage of sale

  • Sponsored events

  • Gifts in kind


Rally your employees and customers to fundraise and help spread the word through:

  • Corporate fundraising events

  • Employee fundraiser
  • Community outreach


Help shine a bigger spotlight on the humanitarian crises that communities in undeveloped countries face and the impact of our work in combination with your assistance through:

  • Media support

  • Social medial campaigns

  • Event integration

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